Dropping Anchors
At this point in the Academic Life Coaching program your child has had a couple breakthroughs. It’s most likely realized that he or she wants to look at their academic system differently. It’s extremely helpful to build and stay in a certain perspective and to remind one’s self to use motivation toward, rather motivation away from. This is to create a default for students to fall back on. It’s a constant reminder for whatever revelations the students may have had in the past three sessions that will help them stay in that powerful perspective. Dropping anchors (AKA Setting Cues) is merely a metaphor for creating a structure that help students remind them of that perspective and process.
Generally, the anchor (or a cue) can be a hand motion, water color painting, etc. that reminds the student of this positive mindset.
From the Academic Life Coaching Workbook
You just created a system and put in place some structures to keep things in order. The final step is to create a few anchors. You can view an anchor as a mental structure designed to get your mind back in the game when something knocks you off track. Usual anchors are words, specific movements, and images that you’ve designated to remind you to get back in the game. If you have a solid structure and a few anchors to help you recover quickly, you’ll find it easy to move forward at a steady, effective pace.
Your coach will help you drop a few of your own anchors, and as you go through the next three sessions in the Academic Life Coaching Program, you’ll have material to create some of your own.
Well-Formed Outcome, Motivation, or System your anchor is used for:
Specific Anchor:
What it reminds you of:
Well-Formed Outcome, Motivation, or System your anchor is used for:
Specific Anchor:
What it reminds you of: