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Finding the Best Coach Training Program: An In-Depth Guide

Investing in life coaching is a big step forward, professionally and personally. So how to identify the best coach training program for you? The decision should start with a solid understanding of what Life Coaching is and how you might apply it to coaching personally and professionally. Once you have a vision of who you want to be a coach, it will be time to consider what training program is right for you.

Consider the questions below as you begin your search.

Questions for Finding Your Best Coach Training Program

What Is My Area of Interest?

Coaches do not have to serve in an area where they have personal experience. Instead, coaches become experts in the coaching process and use various coaching tools that serve their clients. New coaches should choose one or two niches. A coach who is more passionate about their chosen niche will have more energy behind their work. Also, having some experience in a chosen niche can help marketing coaching services.

While there are hundreds of labels for coaching practices, there are about ten primary coaching niches:

The best coach training program will be one that fits a new coach’s area of interest.

How Do I Find Coach Training I Can Trust?

The International Coach Federation (ICF) is an organization that sets standards for coach training and credentialing. While not the only organization, the ICF is the most prominent credentialing organization for life coaching. This is important because over 75% of those hiring coaches expect credentialing.

Is the Best Coach Training ACSTH or ACTP?

The ICF endorses coach training programs with two primary types of training:

Coach training programs labeled Approved Coach Training Specific Hours (ACTSH) are valuable programs that help further coach knowledge in specific areas. These programs are not designed to prepare their participants for ICF credentials fully. ACTSH is considered a la carte. It provides a basic to intermediate level of coach training. The second type of training program the International Coach Federation endorses are called Accredited Coach Training programs (ACTP). These programs include enough hours and learning to qualify for specific ICF credentials. For those wanting to earn a niche-specific certification while preparing for their ICF credential, ACTP programs present the best coach training options to choose from.

What about Business Building Materials?

It is imperative to note that the best coach training programs for learning coaching skills do not necessarily offer the best business-building training. This is important for two reasons: First, the addition of solid business-building training presents skills separate from coaching skills. Secondly, the field of coaching is moving away from an entrepreneur-only area. Many coaches chose to work with organizations as internal coaches or subcontracted coaches. This means that business-building materials are not as necessary as they once were to make a coach training program the best fit for someone.

With this being said, knowing what you invest in regarding coach training is essential. First, consider looking for programs that offer business-building materials as part of the training. If you would like further, more in-depth business-building training, the best coach training organizations will provide it as a supplement to their ICF-approved coach training program.

Making Your Decision

Finally, the time will come when you decide which program is the best coach training program for you. It can be an overwhelming decision, and we would love to support you in this process. Please feel free to contact us at Coach Training EDU for further support!


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