Starting your own life coaching business can be daunting and overwhelming. Paving your path in a brand new business sector is intimidating, and many coaches are unsure about exactly where they should train, how they can get certified, and where they find their first paying clients. Academy of Coach Training is passionate about helping coaches create successful businesses. Once enrolled in a training program, you receive various business-building materials and tools to help you launch a coaching practice and find your first paying clients. In the meantime, there are some additional tips and tricks to help you get started below.
Although Life Coaching concepts are universal, you must choose a coaching specialization if you are serious about your career. Marketing and advertising general life coaching is challenging, and coaches who say they coach everyone are typically unsuccessful. Selecting a niche, academic, wellness, executive or other, in additional to acquiring your professional life coaching certification, is the most effective way to launch your coaching business. Then, you can expand and add on to your services in the future.
With the 1.0 Academic Life Coach Training program, you are already prepared to specialize in working with young people. In addition, because the program is foundational, you will also have an excellent base if you want to expand your services in the future (into the wellness or executive coaching fields, for example).
Marketing and selling coaching can be challenging because let’s face it; you are essentially selling an intangible product of the future. People like what they understand and do not understand all of the coaching terms you learned in your training. Therefore, when discussing the type of work you do or the services you offer, it is essential to talk about them in the everyday language that people get.
Academic Life Coaching is about helping students cultivate skills and tools for being successful adults. It doesn’t tell parents what they are paying for or what the student will get out of it. In everyday language, Academic Life Coaching help students improve grades and increase motivation.
Networking can seem more like a mysterious process of meeting people than a means of getting business. However, it is a fancy word for sharing what you do, paying attention to what other people do, and reaching out to continue conversations. Reaching out to other professionals in your field and sharing ideas and support is essential.
Additionally, as a life coach trying to help young people live better lives, people want to help you. You are one of the good guys trying to fight against evil video games or relational bullying to get kids to tap into their talent and thrive. You will find that discussing your work and gaining support is much easier than it seems.