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Addressing Emotional Intelligence

The 10-session Academic Life Coach Training program is specifically designed to address the most challenging aspects of being a student and young person. Skills and tools addressed in the program focus on helping students be successful academically, as well as helping them gain life skills to lead effective and fulfilled adult lives. The program as a whole is based on the five main challenges that students face below.

Challenge: Stress Over Grades

Life Skill to Develop: Managing Stress

Grades can be a cause for celebration… or misery. Earning an unsatisfactory grade on a Chemistry test could initiate a nose-dive in confidence while earning an A, prompts an inner jubilee. Most teenagers are stressed out about trying to maintain a certain GPA. Other teens, who are just doing the bare minimum to get by, want better grades, but they are frustrated because they do not know how to achieve them. In our experience as Academic Life Coaches, we have found that students work ineffectively to earn their grades because they do not know how to maximize effective thinking, learning, and memory styles.

Academic Life Coaching offers students the chance to work one-to-one with a trained and certified Academic Life Coach to determine how to use different academic thinking styles, as well as learning, memory, and motivation techniques. The result is students who are less stressed, more motivated, and feel confident in who they are and their ability to overcome challenges.

Challenge: Concern About Motivation and Involvement in School

Life Skills to Develop: Understanding and Applying Useful Motivation Styles

Motivating teenagers to put in effort academically, and in other areas of their life, is often a huge challenge. With the pressure created by grades, so many students get stuck identifying their self-worth with their report cards or students learn to avoid the reality of their report cards as well as their school work. The result is often a constant nagging battle over homework, missing assignments, frustrated parents wanting their child to do well, students wanting to do well, and habits that are hard to change.

The first step to solving this problem is understanding more about motivation and what students can do to understand their particular style of motivation. Throughout the Academic Life Coaching program, students learn about a variety of motivation styles and ways that they impact their daily lives.

Frustration in Relationships

Proactively Creating Powerful Relationships

Emotional intelligence and personal fluency are more valuable than ever as life skills that young people need to be fulfilled and successful in their adult lives. Building strong relationships is a big part of a positive educational experience and provides the necessary foundation for a successful future. The Academic Life Coaching program helps students increase their emotional intelligence, personal fluency, and leadership skills, prompting them to take a proactive role in building powerful relationships.

Anxiety About the College Application Process

Life Skill to Develop: Pursuing a Passion

Anxiety about the college application process can reach extraordinary heights. At times, it seems that a student’s whole success in life rides on the application essay and their SAT scores. As parents talk to other parents about what their kids are doing and how far into the process they are, the comparisons give rise to even more anxiety.

The Academic Life Coaching program is designed to help high school students navigate the college application process while supplementing the work of their high school college counselor. The same work can be done with college students thinking of applying to graduate school. Academic Life Coaching is such a powerful ally in the process because the program helps students undertake leadership roles in their communities, as well as increases their emotional intelligence and personal fluency, which are characteristics that college admission officers want to see in applicants.

Challenge: Uncertainty About the Best Options Available or the Best Path Forward

Life Skill to Develop: Creating Clarity and Following Through

Parents want the best for their children. The problem is knowing exactly what the best path is and how parents can best support their children so that they can learn the necessary life skills for success. To find a fulfilling path for young people to pursue can be difficult, but students in the Academic Life Coach Training program are much better equipped to make these decisions. After working with a coach, students will develop a deep understanding of their values, skills, and interests, which will help them find clarity about their futures.


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