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Higher Ed Edition: ALC Certification as Professional Development

Engage to Retain

Universities report an average retention boost of 5 to 10% when advisors and coaches complete one of the Coach Training EDU’s programs. The boost comes from the increased engagement students have when working with a trained and certified Academic Life Coach.

The Engage to Retain program makes a real difference in the lives of advisors and thus students, creating a positive university culture where people speak a common language and have a similar mindset proven to help students thrive.

The largest and most recent case study is Coach Training EDU’s 2016 project with the University of Oklahoma. The university trained 28 staff members, across 6 different departments. Training and certification along with several other retention policy changes resulted in a 30.9% reduction in dropouts from Freshman Spring to Sophomore Fall. The retention rate also jumped from 86.1% to 90.4%. That is 186 more students who stayed in school.

Other universities have reported as much as a 13% jump in retention among students on academic probation or behind in graduation hours.

Professional Development for Academic Advisors, Coaches, and Leaders

The foundation for the Engage to Retain program is both the professional development coaches-in-training experience in the 1.0 Academic Life Coach Training Program. Retention is just the measurement of the program’s effectiveness.

The 1.0 Academic Life Coach training program is professional development that leads to a an International Coach Federation (ICF) certificate of coaching.

Having trained coaches in an ICF accredited program adds value to any organization.Participants often report growing as much personally as professionally in the program. Happier and more effective advisors who receive coach training equal more satisfied and more effective students.

Deans and principals are also encouraged to take the 1.0 Academic Life Coach Training program. Coach training and certification makes you a stronger leader. It will give you an added toolbox that will make a tangible difference in your life and your team’s performance.


Contact Coach Training EDU for group high school and university pricing options for the 1.0 Academic Life Coach Training Program and the optional additions below. Usually, the baseline fee is charged per participant or based on retention boost between the spring and fall academic years.

Elements of the Academic Life Coach Training Program

Coach Training EDU creates engaging training webinars and in-person experiences that transform participants.


The foundation of your training is an ICF accredited coach training program equipping you to work with any client on any topic. ALC coaches have taken the core skillset to work with adults from exploring careers to improving health and wellness.


The Academic Life Coach Training program is designed to give you the skills and tools you need to create culture change in education and help students thrive, both academically and personally.


Coach Training EDU is passionate about helping coaches do their life’s work. As part of your training, you will receive access to a variety of business-building materials and support to help you as you launch your Academic Life Coaching practice.


Coach Training EDU offers two certification levels and puts you on the fast track to earn your certification through the International Coach Federation (ICF). Certification will further your skill set and takes your coaching career to the next level.

Additional Engage to Retain Options

Host an In-Person Training Day (or Two)

Bring Coach Training EDU in-person to your institution! You have the option of a one or two-day workshop focused on the essential skills your faculty need to increase student engagement and motivation, coach for clarity and make a change with students. These training days draw on concepts from the more extensive 1.0 Academic Life Coach Training Program and can be tailored to meet your institution’s goals and needs.

Have Your Students Work With Certified Academic Life Coaches

Have your students work with trained and certified Academic Life Coaches. Coach Training EDU has organized graduates to provide one-to-one coaching sessions for students via video conferencing.

Onsite Coach Training Recommendations

Coach Training EDU also offers onsite coaching and research recommendations designed to help you boost employee effectiveness, best-practices in school policy, and student fulfillment and performance.

To learn more about Coach Training EDU’s Engage to Retain program, please contact us.

How Our Education Model is Different



Lectures are prerecorded so class time is spent engaging with instructors and participants.


Assessments and checks for understanding are designed to guide, not judge. Exploration and creativity thrive in such a safe space.


The clarity you gain from the feedback and one-on-one practice will transform you. You will grow as much personally as you do professionally.


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