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1.0 Academic Life Coach Training Program

The 1.0 Academic Life Coach Training program is a unique training experience designed to prepare you to use life coaching skills and tools with college, secondary, and middle school students. If you are a current coach looking to specialize in working with students, a teacher interested in gaining additional tools for your classroom, or a counselor, tutor, or mentor wanting another set of services for your students, Academic Life Coach training might be right for you.


During your 1.0 Academic Life Coach Training, you will cover a variety of foundational coaching concepts, as well as learn how to deliver the Academic Life Coaching program and workbook for students.

The first part of the training program will cover the basics of coaching, including how to establish the coach-client relationship, listen empathetically, trust your intuition as a coach, and design actions and accountabilities with your client. The second part of your training will focus on various tools and exercises from the Academic Life Coaching Workbook, including Core Motivation, The Wheel of Life, Busting Limiting Beliefs, and Inner Critic. To see all of the exercises you will learn to deliver, check out the ALC Parent Guide here. The last part of your training will include business-building tips and support for you as a coach, as well as information on how to integrate what you are learning into your current work with students.

To see a full class syllabus and view sample materials from the full training program request one here.


The 1.0 Academic Life Coach Training program is a 24-week training program that aims to prepare you to start working with clients and launch your coaching practice within 6 months. The course meets once a week, for two hours, via webinar and is lead by an ALC-trained trainer. Each class meeting provides you with time to discuss concepts from the reading and pre-recorded lectures, ask questions, and practice coaching.

As part of your training, you will also be required to complete three one-on-one mentor coaching sessions with your trainer. Known as coach-client overviews, these sessions are required for the completion of your training program and certification as an associate certified Academic Life Coach.


As part of your 1.0 Academic Life Coach Training, you will receive access to an online class page with a variety of training and business-building materials, including:

  • PDF versions of the course textbook, the Super Training Guide, as well as all other written texts you need throughout your training. You will also receive a hard copy of the Super Training Guide and three copies of the Academic Life Coaching Workbook for students.
  • 15+ hours of recorded lectures addressing Academic Life Coaching concepts
  • Program syllabus, calendar, and link and instructions to access the webinar class each week.
  • A sample business plan and client contracts
  • Pre-made PowerPoint presentations on various Academic Life Coaching concepts, accompanied by handouts and scripts
  • Sample marketing materials to provide to parents or schools
  • Recordings of all class meetings on a class YouTube playlist


Academy of Coach Training offers its own proprietary certification as an Associate Certified Academic Life Coach, upon the completion of the 1.0 Academic Life Coach Training program. You are also eligible for certification with the International Coach Federation (ICF) after completing your training.

Certification, both through a proprietary organization and the ICF, is an important step in establishing a successful coaching business. For more details about the Academy of Coach Training’s certification requirements or certification through the International Coach Federation, click here.


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