The roots of the words “comfortable” and “confident” reveal much about their meanings. “Comfortable” originates from the Latin word fortis, which translates to “strength,” while “confident” comes from fides, meaning “faith.” This linguistic backdrop sets the stage for a profound discussion in life coaching.
Last night, during a Life Coaching training session, we explored the notion that effective coaching might require confidence combined with the willingness to embrace discomfort. Traditionally, confidence brings comfort, especially when outcomes are predictable. However, the life coaching process often challenges us to maintain confidence in the face of discomfort.
Reflecting on personal experiences, significant achievements are rarely accompanied by comfort. Indeed, while I was often confident about overcoming challenges, the journey frequently pushed me beyond my comfort zone. This observation extends to parenting as well, where fostering an environment of safety and comfort for our children is essential, yet we must also encourage them to trust their capabilities even when stepping outside their familiar settings.
This realization about comfort zones—that they are flexible and can expand—leads to an intriguing question: What lies just beyond our current boundaries of comfort? And how can we courageously pursue those new heights?
In life coaching, as in life, the pursuit of growth often begins at the edge of our comfort zones. Embracing this dynamic can transform our approach to personal and professional development.
If you’re curious about how life coaching can help you expand your comfort zone and enhance your confidence, consider signing up for an upcoming sample coach training session. Explore new possibilities and discover what you can achieve when you step into the space between comfort and confidence.